6-Packs and Job Hunting
Pick up any fashion magazine today and you’ll quickly notice that all the male (and even some of the female) models, in addition to being in obviously excellent physical condition, sport impressive “six-pack” abs—regardless of the product they are modeling, e.g., shirts, blue jeans, underwear, etc., and the manufacturers are trying to sell.
In the fashion industry “six-pack” abdominal muscles (abs) are referred to as the “moneymaker muscles,” and there is a very good reason for that: Slim, trim models who are obviously in excellent physical condition, as indicated in part by their well-developed abs, simply sell products. I mean, when is the last time you saw a successful fashion model with a “beer belly” hanging out of an open shirt a manufacturer was marketing? Like never, right?!
“Moneymaker muscles” of the business world
In many ways, like fashion models, job seekers who are professionally “slim and trim,” and in obviously excellent “shape,” have a distinct advantage over those who are not. I’ll explain this in more detail below, but first, let me ask you a question: Have you ever wondered how fashion models manage to get, and then maintain, such finely toned bodies? What is the secret to “six-pack” abs, for example?
Actually, there are six secrets to getting (and keeping!) “six-pack” abs:
1.Stay lean (little or no body fat!)
2.Maintain a steady metabolism
3.Work out regularly and correctly with weights
4.View the abs as being an integral component of a “core” group of related muscles, e.g., lower back, buttocks, etc.
5.Maintain repetition in an exercise regimen
6.Maintain variety in a regular exercise program
Now, let’s look at each of these six secrets and see how they apply to both fashion models and job seekers.