China, Here I Come… Time to Get Real!
I’m flying to Hong Kong tomorrow, and then on to China to spend four weeks on a total body transformation. I’m really psyched about it and will be keeping up regular blogposts on different fitness and nutrition practises I come across during my stay.
I also wanted to share this article with you that I came across this article the other day. It totally sums up my approach to fitness, which is, essentially – no pain, no gain! Here’s the first couple of paragraphs and you can read the rest here.
U of A prof goes on an information odyssey and debunks diet and exercise myths
Timothy Caulfield’s conversations at social gatherings are a lot more animated since he wrote a book that says the health benefits of yoga, long runs and stretching, among other things, are highly over-rated. Devotees of such activities are understandably disappointed at his findings and often vigorously defend what they’re doing to be healthier.
Caulfield understands their response completely.
“I think of myself as an evidence-based person. I’ve been hugely into fitness and working out my whole life and I couldn’t believe the number of myths that I was sort of embracing,” says the University of Alberta health law professor and author of The Cure For Everything! Untangling the Twisted Messages About Health, Fitness and Happiness…. Read more here.
But for now – I gotta pack!