The 10 Things Fitness Magazines Won’t Tell You
How do we find the right methods and techniques to get ourself into ‘tremendous shape?’ Fitness magazines are always looking to give us the answers to sell copies but are they hiding the truth from us? These 10 truths will rock your fitness world!
“Don’t become a sellout.”
If I were to have expected this message, maybe I would have come up with a better comeback. But as it was, I wasn’t really sure how to respond to the email. A few weeks ago I shared a post about the smartest lessons in health and fitness.
Some of the information was well received. Other elements weren’t embraced. But part of the sentiment was that I lost sight of sharing good content. As if my mission has ever been anything BUT providing you with as much high quality information as possible. Maybe my intent was misunderstood, but I took the email as a challenge: Whose side are you on?
Let me make it clear–I’m dedicated to helping everyone find a healthy plan that is sustainable. Sometimes that means sharing information that might appear contradictory. Go strictly Paleo or eat carbs? I think both approaches can work. It’s a matter of preference, and one that you ultimately have to decide works for you. Some things in health and fitness are absolute, but most are up for debate. And other times, what we know changes. Altering my stance is never about selling out; it’s a matter of admitting when you’re wrong and trying to spread what’s right. Read more here